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Do you feel God leading you to partner with Inspire International Ministries?

If so there are several ways you can make a difference and become a Faith Partner.




Inspire International Ministries is committed to sharing God's love and salvation to all nations.  Our mission 

is to inspire the world to know God's love, experience His salvation, and be reconciled to Him.


We are passionate about winning souls for Christ and your gifts of love will help us do just that.


Life Partners

You may feel lead to support Inspire International Ministries on a MONTHLY basis. This is what we call a Life Partner. It's the support of Life Partners that will continue to help Inspire meet the expenses of the ministry on a regular basis.  For an ongoing monthly gift of any amount, you will be listed on our website as a Kingdom Life Partner (if you choose).


Kingdom Builders

This level of Faith Partnership is to help Inspire International Ministries build a church for the glory of God that will be a place where lives will be changed.  For your gift of $250 - $500 you will receive the following:

1. Your business or ministry listed on our website as a  "Faith Partner" with a link to your website.

2. An invitation to our annual partner's celebration service.



Legacy Partner

This level of Faith Partnership will transform families for generations to come.  For your gift of $1,000 or more you will receive the following:

1. A featured 10-minute segment on the show you sponsor.

2. A professional 20-second commercial of your business or ministry advertised during the program.

3. Your business or ministry listed on our website as a  "Legacy Partner" with a link to your website. (if you choose)

4. An invitation to our annual partner's celebration service. 



Sponsor a TV Program

You may be lead to sponsor a $500 30-minute segment for Inspire TV and what you will receive is the following:

1. A featured 10-minute segment on the show you sponsor.

2. A professional 20-second commercial of your business or ministry advertised during the program.

3. Your business or ministry listed on our website as a  "Faith Partner" with a link to your website.​

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(Mention "Kingdom Builder" in the Comment Section when giving)

(Mention "Life Partners" in the Comment Section when giving and complete the re-curring gift section)

(Mention "Legacy  Partner" in the Comment Section when giving)

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