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Confident Prayer

I remember coming home from work when my son Isaiah was a child and find him so excited to see “Daddy.” He would run and almost tackle me down to show his love and excitement for his father. He never asked for permission to run and hug me or look with apprehension before approaching me. The confidence he had in my love and acceptance for him removed any apprehension in approaching me. Isaiah was boldly confident.

When we are confident in God’s love for us there will be no apprehensions in our approach towards Him in prayer. We will come boldly to Him in prayer. The writer of the book of Hebrews instructs us “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace…

Hebrews 4:16 NKJV.

God’s Word is written for every generation of people to read it and hear the voice of God speaking to them. God’s Word speaks to us today, RIGHT NOW, as you read the words, “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.” NLT

The phrase - “let us come,” is one word in the original language of the New Testament. The meaning of this word is - to draw near to God in order to seek His grace and favor. God fully intended for us to know, believe, and live out the instructions that are in His Word - The Bible. We can have confidence that God desires for us to approach Him. He is telling us in His Word to do so.

God’s Word are His instructions to us. In Hebrews 4:16 God is instructing us to come boldly. Boldly means - free and fearless confidence, freedom in speaking, unreserved speech. Just as my son Isaiah was confident in my love for him, so every follower of Christ can be confident in God’s love for them and approach Him with confidence in prayer.

This article is written to inspire and encourage you to boldly approach God and pray with confidence. Confident prayer begins with knowing that God is love and He loves YOU!

Take a moment right now and declare - “God I thank You that You love me.” Now attach your name to this prayer - “God I thank You that You love ___________________ In Jesus name, Amen.”

This article is from a section in the upcoming book "Confident Prayer" by Ray Velez.

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