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Don’t Let The Enemy Steal Your Peace

Have you ever had a day where everywhere you turned there was an obstacle? You know those types of days when you get up from praying and having a glorious time with the Lord, only to go to your car that won’t start. Then you get a call from your child’s school that they did not show up in class yesterday for three periods. Then to come home from work after a long day only to find out that the water heater just went out and now this is another couple of hundred dollars you have to pay. Does this sound familiar to you? I’m not sure about you but right now, it seems like the enemy has turned up the heat in order to discourage the children of God from focusing on peace. I love the scripture that says he who keeps his mind stayed on me will have perfect peace. God has given us specific instructions that says if we stay focused on him, if we meditate intently in his word and on his promises he says that he will keep us in perfect peace. (Isaiah 26:3)

The word peace means freedom from disturbance. It means that God promised he will protect our minds from being disturbed by the enemy. What that looks like is this, even though you might be going through the storm of your life, God will keep you in perfect peace. You can still have joy in the midst of the trial. You can still praise and worship the Lord in the midst of the situation. We have a Father who loves us and knows what’s ahead for us and will not allow us to experience what will break us. We can have peace! I don’t know about you but I’m so glad I have a father who loves me and even though I can’t see what goes on behind the scenes I know that he is working it out for me. So the next time you feel like everything around you is falling apart don’t give the enemy an opportunity to steal your peace. Rest in God and remember you have the victory.

Love Pastor Stephanie

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