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Winning the Spiritual Battle Pt. 2

My last blog defined “spiritual warfare” and that without God’s “mighty weapons” to fight this war, we would be defenseless against our spiritual enemies.

During the time the apostle Paul wrote 2 Corinthians he was experiencing persecution. Those that were coming against him were under the influence of the demonic spirits listed in Ephesians 6:12. Persecution always has 2 main objectives; to discourage and eventually destroy us and our ministries.

If it were not for God’s “mighty weapons” we would not be able to stand a chance in this spiritual fight. God has given us weapons to defeat and overcome discouragement and lies from the enemy.

The word “weapon” is defined as a tool or an instrument. Let’s imagine a mechanics toolbox. There are specific tools used to do specific jobs. It’s the same way spiritually. We have God’s “tools” to fight and win in spiritual warfare. Here’s how we use God’s weapons to win the battle;

1. Pull down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4) 2. Cast down arguments & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). 3. Bring every thought captive (2Corinthians 10:5).

God’s weapons will equip us to engage in spiritual warfare and win. When we speak His word out of our mouth through prayer, praise, and worship, we win.

An example of winning the battle against the enemy is found in 2 Chronicles 20.

King Jehoshaphat had to fight 3 armies that had come against him in battle. The king was very afraid yet the bible points out that he “set himself to seek the Lord” (2 Chronicles 20:3). When we are afraid, the first thing we must do is “seek the Lord” and not panic nor react as if God’s not there but during those times we must remember that He loves us and cares for us. Then God instructs Jehoshaphat to set the singers and worshippers in front of his army. As they began to sing: “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever,” the armies that came against Jehoshaphat began to fight and destroy one another and were defeated.

We cannot afford to remain complacent in a world that is under the influence of the enemy. We must stand for Christ and commit ourselves to fight in this spiritual battle and not allow the enemy to have any foothold in our lives. God’s Word, Prayer, Praise, and worship are our weapons of warfare. We must live for Christ and begin to use them now!

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