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Press Through The Pressure

I was scrolling through Facebook and I looked at a friends face and I felt lead to encourage this mighty woman of God and tell her to "Press Through The Pressure". Mind you, I said mighty woman of God. Why is this so important for us as believers in Jesus Christ to press through the pressure? It's because the world is observing our response and in the end we will receive a reward.

The bible clearly says that when we are faced with various trials and tribulations, we are to count it all joy. This means that inside our hearts we are suppose to get super excited because we are about to get the biggest gift ever. (Paraphrased James 1:1) I don't know about you, but it sounds great when I read it in the bible. However, living through this scripture is a different story.

As I am writing this blog, the Holy Spirit is telling me to tell you, "You Can Do This". He says to that in and of yourself it's impossible to press through the pressure of bills, family problems, job instability, not having enough to provide for the needs of your family, etc. Jesus is saying to you right now, "count it all joy" because I am perfecting your character so you can be complete and have character that can endure through every situation that may seem like it's going to overtake you. Jesus loves you and he knows the outcome. This is what David said, "I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread." (Psalms 37:25)

As you find yourself pressed under the pressure, consider the following (10) benefits you will experience when you trust God through the process taken from Psalms 37:

1. You will inherit the earth when you wait on the Lord. (v. 9)

2. God will give you the desires of your heart. (v.4)

3. The Lord will uphold you. (v. 17) (v.24)

4. You will experience an abundance of peace. (v.11)

5. You will not be ashamed. (v. 19)

6. You will be satisfied during the times of famine. (v.19)

7. Your steps will be ordered by the Lord and God will delight in you. (v. 23)

8. You will not be forsaken and your children will not beg for bread (provision). (v.25)

9 You will be blessed. (v.26)

10. Your future is PEACE says the Lord. (v.37)

My final thoughts for you as you press through the pressure is summed up by the final verses in this Psalms 37,

"But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them,Because they trust in Him" (v. 39, 40)

You can catch Pastor Ray and Stephanie on their weekly show “Inspire TV” on the Cross Network every Tuesday at 3 pm pst. Visit for more information about their ministry and to subscribe to their mailing list.

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