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I Thought This Was So FUNNY?

I thought this was so funny! Yesterday I was at a government office handling some business. I said government office on purpose because I really want you to get the picture of where I was. The person who was helping me, didn’t have much excitement nor did she appear to be enthusiastic about her job. 

What I thought was particularly peculiar was that all around her cubicle was images and statements about “living your dream”, “go for it”, “find your purpose”... I chuckled inside because my first thought was, lady, are you living your dream? Don’t get me wrong, in no way am I making fun of her job, but she really didn’t appear to be listening to her own advice! What I’ve noticed lately is that people are so quick to tell others what they should do and don’t listen to their own advice. “Been their done that!” Have you become a voice of encouragement to others and have lost your way? Are clutching on to the side of the mountain, while others take your advice and pursue their dreams? If this is you, ask yourself, “What’s holding me back?” Is it fear, is it lack of knowledge? I love the verse in the Bible that says, .. every moment of my life was laid out before one day passed. (Psalm 139:16). Your life is significant to God. Only you can fulfill that plan and purpose God has for you. Today, I challenge you let go of the mountain and let God have His way in your life so others can enjoy who you’re truly meant to be.  

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